Malawi Materials

Wyce GhiacyNews

Malawi, Africa is considered the second poorest nation in all the world. FMP is working with our Foursquare family and great organizations like Water Wells for Africa. Printed materials are highly coveted in this and ... Read More

Congo for Christ

Wyce GhiacyNews

Recently, FMP’s shipment to the Congo arrived safely and the materials were distributed at a leadership conference attended by Dr. Dan Lucero and Dr. Leslie Keegel. Most of these materials are books like Foundations of ... Read More

Closed to the Gospel: What We Are Doing

Wyce GhiacyNews

closed to the gospel
FMP is committed to getting the gospel into nations that have either outlawed or make getting the gospel into the country extremely difficult. In some nations a person can be arrested and imprisoned for simply ... Read More

God Bless the Widow

Wyce GhiacyNews

Portions from a recent letter: “I am a widow on a fixed income and will be 95 years old. When your letter came I thought, ‘I just sent an offering,’ and couldn’t do it again. … Read More

Pastor Joseph Michieka-Video

Wyce GhiacyNews

Pastor Joseph Michieka
Well this is Joseph (Michieka) again from Kenya. I want to say, that I am so blessed and excited to be here. (Foursquare Missions Press) is where we have been receiving materials for our Sunday ... Read More

The Africa Book Project

Wyce GhiacyNews, TBW Project 2018

Africa Book Project
<< Previous12 Projects that Transform Lives and Nations Project #12Sponsor a Box of New Theology/Doctrine Books and Bibles. One Box: $150Make a contribution The “Lost Continent” is Being Found The African Book Project - Project ... Read More

Solar Power

Wyce GhiacyNews, TBW Project 2018

<< Previous12 Projects that Transform Lives and Nations Next >>Project #11To Place an Evangelist to Show the JESUS Film/JESUS Film for Children by Solar-Powered Projectors and Establish Audio Bible Group 50 times per year $10,000/Solar-Power ... Read More

Spread the Light Kit

Wyce GhiacyNews, TBW Project 2018

<< Previous12 Projects that Transform Lives and Nations Next >>Project #10Spread the Light Kit - Sponsor a solar-powered projector - 1 Gas Generator - 50 LED Video Tracts For $5,000Make a contribution Let There Be ... Read More

Mobile Missions Press

Wyce GhiacyNews, TBW Project 2018

Going Mobile
<< Previous12 Projects that Transform Lives and Nations Next >>Project #9Sponsor Full or in Part, - a Mobile Missions Press –$30,000 - Sponsor a “Bible in a Box” – TBAMake a contribution Going Mobile:  Printing ... Read More