The Missions Tour in Sri Lanka Continues …

Wyce GhiacyNews

The journey continues as our team deployed in Sri Lanka has not only launched the Children’s Gospel Box, training leaders and children, but are also gathering resources, as well. Please continue to pray for God’s … Read More

CG Box Team Lands & Launches in Sri Lanka!

Wyce GhiacyNews

What a powerful start FMP’s CGBox Sri Lanka-trip has had, as CG Box team of Cheyne M. Jackson, Joy Samuelson McInnis and Jennifer Thigpenn, have launched CG Box in training children workers overseas, giving them … Read More

New and Used Puppets Bless the Children

Wyce GhiacyNews

In Romans 10:15, the Word of God declares, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” And in this case, it’s no different! Beautiful … Read More

Grace Enterline with The Lord

Wyce GhiacyNews

On April 20th we lost our beloved Grace Enterline, who is now in the very presence of our Lord. Grace served with us at FMP for more than 11 years with a focus on the Children’s … Read More

Grace Memorial Fund – Children’s Gospel Box

Wyce GhiacyNews

Grace Enterline

Grace’s family has established the Grace Memorial Fund for the Children’s Gospel Box in her memory. To give towards Grace’s passion, the children of the world, click here.

Urgent Prayer Request!

Wyce GhiacyNews

We are in need of urgent prayer on behalf of a large shipment of thousands of dollars worth of printing supplies, as they are being held up and held ransom by the customs agency in Côte D`Ivoire. … Read More

Tour of the Press from the Director

Wyce GhiacyNews

Anna Hayford with The Lord

Wyce GhiacyNews

Anna Hayford, a beloved Foursquare leader and the wife of Pastor Jack Hayford, went to be with the Lord today at age 83. An ordained minister who felt the calling of God even as a … Read More