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DLT began in January 2016 as a response of the Foursquare Global Council to a thirty-five nation National Strategic Assessment conducted in 2015 by Dr. Daniel Brown. Under the leadership of the Global Education Coordinator and a global team of over 250 Foursquare leaders, DLT addresses the four top “concerns/areas of global improvement” the Assessment identified—
- We need to get better at strategically discipling converts.
- We need to get better at holistically training leaders for ministry.
- We need to get better at defining and ministering the baptism with the Holy Spirit, including discipling those baptized on how Spirit baptism influences their transformational growth and their missional involvement in God’s kingdom.
- We need to get better at defining in writing what Foursquare believes on key topics/issues raised by our global constituency, enabling a unified, collaborative global partnership.
The modules in this two-volume 2023 publication are DLT’s first efforts (2017-2023) at providing Foursquare’s global biblical and theological understanding of these topics. Written by a global team of Foursquare pastors, professors, and leaders the modules have proven valuable in addressing the Assess-ment’s fourth concern. More are planned.
In addition to content, the DLT modules reflect a specific methodology of presentation that enables them to be strategic in moving us toward the other three DLT goals as well. This DLT method, reflected in the various questions embedded throughout each module, is one of “self-discovery learning, incar-nating and applying truth” (from the head to the heart to the hands)—be it through one-on-one dis-cipling (mentoring) or in a small group discussion. Please see “The DLT Engine” that follows for further explanation.1
The modules have been used and adapted to a variety of settings—personal mentoring; seminars; small group studies; and even Schools of Ministry classrooms. Regardless of the setting, the aim when using the DLT modules is transformational and incarnational discipleship through the biblical and theological content and DLT method. May they be a great help to you.
Available Languages: English, Spanish
Volume 1 & 2