The Paul Risser Memorial Library
Combining Used Books and Bibles with Easy Access Digital Library
When the late Dr. Paul Risser approached the Press over a decade ago with an idea to bless local pastors living in developing nations with used books, he did so out of firsthand experience. He never forgot his chance encounter with a Foursquare pastor in the Philippines. Looking at his meager library, Paul saw several Awake! magazines, a Jehovah’s Witness publication. The pastor’s reply to Paul’s concern, “But I am so hungry to read something about the Bible.”
Paul’s heart for giving every leader the resources he or she needs became FMP’s passion. Hundreds of thousands of quality used doctrinal, theology, Bible helps, and inspirational books – along with thousands of Bibles – have been shipped to dozens of nations.
Retired pastors have donated entire libraries, churches have done book and Bible drives, and individuals have sent new Bibles and New Testaments – all to be shipped overseas.
A section of the Press facilities is aptly named “The Paul Risser Memorial Library.” However, the goal is not to collect books, but to give them away. But there is another need worldwide: digitally accessed materials. That is why FMP is making all of its many language resources accessible digitally, and like all of its printed materials, will be free to anyone wanting to send a tract, booklet, or book to someone in their own language. Go to
Rev. Robert Hunt is the Director of Foursquare Missions Press.
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