Volunteers… Always Needed, Always Loved

Wyce GhiacyNews

By Rev. Joy McInnis

At age 95, three years after a hip replacement, Alberta Harnish (photo below) wanted to do something that would “invest in Kingdom purposes.” Her daughter, Sandy Loyd of Clinton, Iowa, a member of a Foursquare church that has made thousands of Gospel Bracelets, suggested she do likewise. Over 5,000 bracelets later, Alberta not only continues to serve, but has become a master recruiter to get others involved. According to her daughter, “She has found a purpose in getting up every day and realizing that she can still be used of God in spreading the gospel.”

Alberta is only one of hundreds of stories of volunteers who have given tens of thousands of volunteer hours either working with equipment in the FMP production facility in Anaheim or at home. The need never stops – if you and/or your church would like to learn how you can reach a life with the gospel, contact me at jmcinnis@foursquare.org.

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