Thankful for MMP!

Wyce GhiacyNews

We are thrilled about the work that continues to be done in Cote d’Ivoire, shortly after the delivery of a Mobile Missions Press (MMP). Daniel Lucero, Foursquare President in France, writes the following:
Words couldn’t express the joy I had seeing the Cote d’Ivoire FMP Printing press up and running and producing some really good stuff … I am excited to partner with FMP and work with the Cote d’Ivoire Church as they strive to make this Printing Press a self sufficient enterprise and serve the Francophone Africa Region !
Thank-you each of you for your hard work to make this happen and in believing in us to see the move forward – you guys have really blessed our socks off! Jeff (Nash) – I think you would have been impressed – thanks for getting this up! … We did the dedication with Gary Matsdorf as we prayed that this Press would serve the Training needs of the nations. it was just a year ago Cheyne and I were there to see the corner stone laid! – Dr. Daniel Lucero (Ph. D/MBA), Foursquare Int’l AM/Rep Francophone Nations and West/Central Africa; President, Foursquare France