Pray for Africa: Critical Shipments Planned

Wyce GhiacyNews

Working with FMI Africa Regional Coordinator Dr. Dan Lucero, FMP is planning multiple large shipments to various nations in Africa. The African Church’s greatest challenge is developing leaders solid in biblical truth.

The Press will send books that will be critical additions to any pastor or leader’s library – much of which is in French. If you or your church would like to sponsor a shipment of free literature, or part of a shipment, please let us know. (Shipping costs can range from $1,500 to $2,500 per crate.)

Shipment for Uganda, South Sudan

FMP partners with ministries around the world to assist them in gospel literature, gospel technology, and children’s resources. One such ministry is Carole Ward and Favour Africa. Carole is doing an amazing work among the poorest of the poor in Uganda and South Sudan, a region continually suffering from warfare and famine.