We have good news and bad news . . . The good news is that we have been overwhelmed with Children’s Gospel Box orders! The “bad” news is we have run out of some of the CG Box supplies.
We are so excited about the growth of the CG Box around the world. The opportunity to partner with Foursquare leaders and children’s workers to lead children to Jesus is what we exist for.
In the coming two months we face a critical need for Puppets, Wordless Books, and Tic Tac Toes in the hundreds and are in need of volunteers who could help make these for us. As we look toward the remainder of the year we would like to “stockpile” Bracelets, Puppets, Wordless Books, Tic Tac Toes, and Flannel yardage as we prepare for orders through the summer and into the fall as well as the beginning of 2018.
There are many who have worked so diligently in the past to help us fulfill orders – we are need of help again!
Please contact Joy McInnis at jmcinnis@foursquare.org if you are able to help. Also, on our website there are Bracelet making instructions. (Click here.)
We Have Both, Good News … and Bad News