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One of the most extraordinary opportunities to share the Christmas Story to some 2,000 people who have never heard – is going to happen!
We are partnering with missionaries to Thailand, Mike and Bee Arter, to share the Christmas Story to a remote tribe in the hills of Thailand. These people, called the Karen, have never heard the precious name of Jesus. This Christmas Day 2017, they will hear it for the first time!
This tribe consists of approximately 1,000 people, 300 of which are children. The outreach will be for a few days – please pray!
Additionally, Mike and Bee are taking the Christmas message to another 1,000 students in the public schools – again, almost all non-Christians and many who have never heard the glorious message.
With your help, we are providing various resources including food, gifts, and gospel materials to make each of these events memorable and life-changing.
Thank you for making this the first Christmas for so many. If you would like to give toward this event, click here.
(Any giving over the total needed for this specific project will be applied to the Children’s Gospel Box ministry.)